The Myth Behind Sustainable African Palm Crop. Socio-Environmental Impacts of Palm Oil in Chiapas, Mexico
This article analyzes the main social and environmental impacts of the cultivation of African palm in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It focuses on the debate between farmers, businesses and civil society organizations on the farming of African palm as a sustainable practice, which has been institutionalized with the Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). This includes companies, millers, investors and civil society organizations that seek to carry out a socially and environmentally responsible palm activity.Furthermore, it analyzes the social impacts and biodiversity that this planting scheme generated the since it was promoted in the Mexican state of Chiapas since the late twentieth century. This article also observes the implementation mechanisms of production processes in the region, to finally test the information obtained in the field of socio-environmental impacts generated by the cultivation of African palm in Chiapas.
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