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Tool for the Estimation of Carbon Footprint from Residential Activities

Himani Maheshwari, Kamal Jain


With rapid urbanization, industrialization, and transportation, global warming is one of the major problems. In this study, we aimed to develop a tool for estimating the carbon footprint (CF) in India, specifically from residential activities, to aid awareness about CF and strengthen its greenhouse gas accounting process. Furthermore, we attempted to develop a tool for estimating energy consumption from residential activities and transport activities of Indian households. Road transport is the most dominant source of emissions in Indian household. The study was conducted on the basis of energy consumption of primary sources such as liquefied petroleum gas, electricity, coal, biomass, and kerosene, by households and the CF from public or private transport activities which clearly indicated the average per capita footprint for a selected time period. Furthermore, we evaluated the carbon credit achieved through environment-friendly activities.


carbon footprint, carbon credit, IPCC, transport, residential activity.

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