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A Novel Method for Singular Value Decomposition of Polynomial Matrices and ICI Cancellation in a Frequency- Selective MIMO Channel
I. A. Akhlaghi, H. Khoshbin
In this paper, we introduce two novel methods to cancel ICI in frequency-selective MIMO channels, which suffer from inter-channel interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Both of these two methods change the multiple-input multiple-output channel to some parallel single-input single-output (SISO) channels, based on the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the polynomial matrices. In the first method, genetic algorithm (GA) is used to design near optimum precoder and equalizer to cancel ICI. In the second method, using Taylor’s expansion we introduce another novel method to analytically estimate the SVD of the channel matrix, which is a polynomial matrix. The SVD estimation of the channel matrix is then used to design a precoder and an equalizer and cancel the ICI. The second method is called parametric method in this paper. The simulations results show that the both introduced methods have acceptable ability to cancel ICI. The parametric method is based on an analytical approach; therefore, it is very fast and can be used in real-time systems. Besides, the first method can be applied to cancel both destructive interferences, ICI and ISI, simultaneously.
SVD, Frequency-selective MIMO channels, Polynomial matrices, ICI, Genetic Algorithm, Taylor’s expansion.
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