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FAQ about Subscription: Institutional Subscriptions
A. Que. : Is free trial for evaluation available?
Ans.: Free trial is not available.
B. FAQ about Online Access Information:
1. Que: What type of access do subscribers receive with a current subscription?
Ans: Fixed – Access to paid content only
2. Que: If a subscriber does not renew their subscription, do they retain any access to online content?
Ans: NO
3. Que: Are there any special software requirements, such as Adobe Acrobat?
Ans: YES: Adobe Acrobat
4. Que: What is the payment grace period (in days) to online content?
Ans: 21 days
5. Que: What is the renewal grace period (in days) to online content?
Ans: 21 days
6. Que: Is the online version published before the print?
Ans: YES
7. Que: Is online content the same as the print?
Ans: Same content
8. Que: Is proxy server or remote user access allowed?
Ans: No.
The proxy server or remote access is not allowed.
CESERP will provide the online access IP’s address of the end user institution/university for the use of Authorized User. An Authorized User is any individual who is a registered student, faculty member, staff member, or affiliated researcher (“employee” or independent contractor at a company) of an Authorized Site. An affiliated researcher or independent contractor must be employed, and/or conducting research, physically at an Authorized Site. A visitor to an Authorized Site who is authorized to use that facility's library network is considered to be an Authorized User.
9. Que: Is scholarly sharing permitted?
Ans: No.
Online access/or scholarly sharing only permitted among subscribing institution/university and its bona fide faculties, researchers and students i.e Authorized User.
10. Que: What is the policy on Interlibrary Loan?
Ans: Interlibrary Loan is Not Permitted.
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Licensed Materials in print/ electronic course packs and electronic reserve collection for the use by Authorized Users in a particular course of instruction at the Licensee's institution. The following restrictions apply:
The electronic database may not be used to produce printed (hard copy) course packs
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12. Que: Is there a limit to concurrent user online access? (e.g. single user, 5 users, unlimited users)
Ans: No user limit for the subscribing university/institute/organisation. “The subscribing university/institute/organisation” refers to one geographic location or to multiple sites within one city that are part of a single organization unit administered centrally.
13. Que: Are you collecting the access / user statistics ?
Ans: No, we are not collecting the access / user statistics
14. Que: What is the policy on text and data mining?
Ans: The Subscribing Institution/University are permitted to text mine for non-commercial research purposes and to gain access to full text content in XML for this purpose. These contents should not be uploaded at any website, which give exposure to public view or distributed in any manner to outside of university/institute researcher.
15. Que: Is there a different license required for multi-site subscribers? If so, please provide a link to the license or attach a sample copy.
Multisite (academic or non-academic) is:
An organization with independently administered multiple locations within one city; or
An organization in more than one city, state or country, with administration of this license being done centrally on behalf of all locations. Example: Each campus of a University system is considered to be a different site, and each branch or office of a pharmaceutical company is considered to be a different site.
C. FAQ about Registering for Access
1. Que: Can a vendor/agent register for the customer?
Ans: NO
2. Que: Is registration by title or one global process for all titles?
Ans: By Title
3. Que: Is registration required annually?
Ans: YES
4. Que: Is the end-user address required?
Ans: YES
5. Que: How soon is access activated after registration?
Ans: Two weeks
D. FAQ about Authentication:
1. Que: How are institutions authenticated for online access?
Ans: IP address only. The proxy server or remote access is not allowed.
2. Que: Is password restricted to single user or can it be shared?
Ans: password restricted to single subscriber, it is not transferable.
E. FAQ about Activation of access
1. Que: Is there any Requirements to activate access?
Ans: Yes, We require following about end user:
a. Institution name (Name of Academic Institution)
b. E-mail address
c. Subscriber account number
d. Number Users/FTEs
e. Postal Address
f. IP Address
f. Declaration for not to use for commercial purpose.
2. Que: How are new orders activated…?
Ans: Publisher activates upon receipt of order and subscription fee
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Online | 54.00 (EUR) | |