Applying Stochastic Network Calculus for Loss Analysis in Underwater Wireless Communication
Acoustic signals are used in underwater communication systems. Data transmission in acoustic medium is affected by various loss such as Propagation loss, Processing loss, Queuing loss and Transmission loss. In order to efficiently model the acoustic channel, the different acoustic signals parameters and their appropriate mathematical models should be considered. Stochastic Network Calculus is one such mathematical tool to effectively model modern communication systems. Stochastic Network Calculus is applied to evaluate the performance of different communication systems, however, most of the present day work are focused primarily only on the parameters of backlog and delay. Analysing loss in the communication channel is also an important parameter. In this research work, we have implemented the loss analysis model for an underwater acoustic communication network, using Stochastic Network Calculus. We have derived, simulated, tested and also evaluated the loss bound through Stochastic Arrival Curve and Service Curves.
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