Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in a Trans-Boundary River: The Case of the Akagera River
The results indicate that the levels of Copper and Lead in Akanyaru are higher than those in other rivers, while Muvumba River shows high concentration of Cadmium of about 0.965 mg/L. The mean values observed are 0.965 mg/L for Cadmium, 0.015 mg/L for Chromium, 0.045 mg/L for Lead, 0.415 mg/L for Copper, 0.553 mg/L of Zinc, 14.62 mg/L for Manganese and 0.56 mg/L for Iron. These parameters show that the river contains high values of Cadmium, Lead and Manganese, compared to the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality and Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. This presents serious problems to the aquatic life and to the different water users. The high levels in the river were attributed to agricultural, industrial and high erosion levels in the catchment. Since this is a trans-boundary river, it was recommended that the riparian countries come together and develop appropriate measures (including institutions) to identify and control the sources of pollution.
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