Issue |
Title |
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 3 |
The Regional Impacts of the 2008-2009 Global Economic Crisis on Ecosystem Vitality
H. D. Kaya |
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 2 |
The Regional Impacts of the 2008-2009 Global Economic Crisis on Environmental Health
H. D. Kaya |
2011, Volume 21, Number P11 |
The Relationship between Skill Content of Trade and Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Wei Geng, Yaoqi Zhang |
Winter 2007, Volume 7, Number W07 |
The Relationship between Well-Being and Wildfire |
Pamela Kaval, John Loomis |
2005, Volume 3, Number S05 |
The Size Thing Revisited: The Optimal Scale of the Transdiscipline of Ecological Economics
Barry D. Solomon |
2019, Volume: 40, Issue Number: 3 |
The Study of Intestinal Infectious Diseases in India: Application of Exponential Probability Distribution.
Huchesh.H. Budihal, M. N. Megeri |
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 1 |
The Subsidy of Environmental Protection with Incentive Mechanism under Asymmetric Competitors
Chia-Ming Liu, Tsung-Yuan Wang |
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 4 |
The Zoning of Groundwater Quality and Quantity for Agricultural Purpose using Wilcox Model and Geographic Information System (GIS): A Case Study
N. Ghanbari, H. Khosravi, Gh. Zehtabian, A. Tavili, A. Malekian |
Summer 2008, Volume 11, Number S08 |
Theories of Failure, Failure of Theories and Non-Market Valuation of Environment: A Survey |
L. Venkatachalam |
Winter 2009, Volume 13, Number W09 |
Threats to the Sundarbans Mangrove Wetland Ecosystems from Transboundary Water Allocation in the Ganges Basin: A Preliminary Problem Analysis |
M. Shafi N. Islam, Albrecht Gnauck |
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 1 |
Time Delayed Analysis of Two Prey One Predator Ecological Model
T. Vidyanath, Lakshmi K. Narayan, Shahnaz Bathul |
Fall 2008, Volume 12, Number F08 |
Tonle Sap Ecosystem Fish Species Biological Groups and Hydroecological Index |
Nguyen T. Hai Yen, Kengo Sunada, Satoru Oishi, Kou Ikejima |
Winter 2008, Volume 10, Number W08 |
Tourism’s Local Benefits for Namibia’s Community Based Natural Resource Management Areas |
B. Libanda, J.N Blignaut |
2004, Volume 2, Number D04 |
Towards an Economic Evaluation of Sars
J.M. Tchuenche |
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 2 |
Towards an Optimum Mobilization of Resources for Conservation of an Environmental Amenity: A Case Study of Kaziranga National Park, India
Raju Mandal, Subrata Barman, M.P. Bezbaruah |
2021, Volume: 42, Issue Number: 3 |
Trade-off between Ecosystem Services: Change in Economic Values of Veeranam Ecosystem Services due to Water Reallocation
S. Balamurugan |
2022, Volume: 43, Issue Number: 1 |
Trends in CITES Listed Bird’s Trade in South Asian Countries in View of Evolution of Indian Laws during Last Four Decades
A. Poonia, A. Ghanghas, R. Sharma, M. Jangra, V. Sindhu |
2017, Volume: 38, Issue Number: 1 |
Tweedie Distribution in Statistical Modelling of Infant Survival Time
S. Santhana Lakshmi, R. Geetha |
Summer 2008, Volume 11, Number S08 |
Uncertainty Analysis for River Quality Measurements |
Mona Radwan, Patrick Willems |
2015, Volume: 36, Issue Number: 4 |
Understanding Human Wildlife conflicts in rapidly expanding urban complexes: Epidemiological profile of snakebite victims indicates builders are at risk
F. Gbogbo, H. Nunoo |
2014, Volume: 33, Issue Number: 2 |
Understanding the Household Perceptions of and Adaptations to Heat Wave: A Case Study
Padmanabha Hota, Bhagirath Behera |
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 4 |
Urban encroachment, Land-use and demographic change: Empirical evidence from Italy
Ilaria Tombolini, Ilaria Zambon, Kostas Rontos, Luca Salvati |
2019, Volume: 40, Issue Number: 3 |
Urbanization, Industrial Development and Environmental Externalities: Discussing the Impact of Economic Cycles on a Local Community
A. Mavrakis, I. Zambon, L. Salvati, I. Tsiros, C. Papavasileiou |
2015, Volume: 36, Issue Number: 3 |
US Household Support for Non-Fossil Fuel Based Energy R and D: Accounting for Uncertainty, News Media Coverage and Possible Nuclear “Poison Pill” Effects
Hui Li, Robert P. Berrens, Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, Carol L. Silva |
2005, Volume 3, Number M05 |
Validity of Health Benefit Transfer between Malaysia and Bangladesh
Rafia Afroz, Mohd Nasir Hassan, Muhamad Awang, Noor Akma Ibrahimk |
Fall 2010, Volume 19, Number F10 |
Valuation of Urban Environmental Amenities: A Case Study
Vijaya Gupta, G. Mythili |
Winter 2010, Volume 16, Number W10 |
Valuing Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand |
Richard T. Yao, Pamela Kaval |
2022, Volume: 43, Issue Number: 2 |
Valuing Fishing Access on Lake Victoria’s Winam Gulf: A Hedonic Pricing Model
Rex W. Sitti, Robert P. Berrens |
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 2 |
Valuing of the Benefits of Endangered Miangaran Wetland
A. H. Montazer-Hojat, B. Mansoury |
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 4 |
Variable Reduction Schemes Based on Principal Component, Canonical Correlation, and Procrustes Analyses
Toni Bakhtiar, Fanny Novika, Siswadi |
Fall 2007, Volume 9, Number F07 |
Variational assimilation: application to the control of the initial data in ICARE model
N Alaa, W. Bouarifi, G. Boullet, A. Chehbouni, R. Khiri, L. Hanich |
2015, Volume: 36, Issue Number: 4 |
Waste Generation Trends and Their Socio-Economic Implications: A Case Study
K. Savitha |
Winter 2008, Volume 10, Number W08 |
Water Pollution and Economic Growth: An Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis at the Watershed and State Level |
Anamika Barua, Klaus Hubacek |
2014, Volume: 32, Issue Number: 1 |
Water Use and Wastewater Discharge of Industrial Sector in China
M. Yagi, S. Managi, S. Kaneko |
2011, Volume 20, Number W11 |
Weather Risks, Ratemaking, and Modeling the Tail Distribution: An Application of Extreme Value Theory
J. Hao, A. Bathke, J. R. Skees, H. Dai |
2012, Volume: 24, Issue Number: 1 |
What Drives Biodiversity? An Empirical Assessment of the Relation between Biodiversity and the Economy
Andreas Freytag, Christoph Vietze, Wolfgang Völkl |
2006, Volume 4, Number 1 (W06) |
What Economics Courses Don’t Teach – But Should
Neva Goodwin |
Summer 2007, Volume 8, Number S07 |
What Value is Gross Domestic Product as a Macroeconomic Indicator of National Income, Well-Being, And Environmental Stress?
Philip Lawn |
2013, Volume: 30, Issue Number: 3 |
Willingness to Pay Analysis for Recreation and Conservation of Nature
Utpal Kumar De, Amrita Devi |
2020, Volume: 41, Issue Number: 1 |
Willingness to pay for improved Rural Water Supply: A Case study
R. Manikandan, S. Boopathi |
2014, Volume: 35, Issue Number: 4 |
Willingness to Pay for Preserving Wetland Biodiversity: A Case Study
M. S. Bhatt, Showkat Ahmad Shah, Aijaz Abdullah |
2015, Volume: 36, Issue Number: 1 |
Willingness to Pay for Relocating Mobile Phone Base Stations
H. C. Lin, Y. M. Lin |
2018, Volume: 39, Issue Number: 2 |
Wind power forecasting using neural network and ARIMA models (field of ”Kabertene”, in southern Algeria)
Laid GASMI, Zouaoui Chikr Elmezouar, Mohammed Kadi Attouch |
Summer 2008, Volume 11, Number S08 |
Work and Life of living Legends in Ecological Economics: Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta |
Rashid Hassan |
Winter 2007, Volume 7, Number W07 |
Work and Life of Living Legends in Ecological Economics: Robert Costanza |
Barry D. Solomon |
501 - 545 of 545 Items |
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