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The Development of the Digital Transformation of Socio-Economic and Ecological Systems

Viacheslav Voronenko, Bohdan Kovalov, Mykola Kharchenko, Pavlo Hrytsenko, Vitaliy Omelyanenko


Information about the development of digital transformation is crucial for the state's operational and strategic management. The paper aims to find issues of the state’s digital transformation development based on assessing the dynamics of the digital transformation of its socio-economic and ecological systems. The paper adds a set of relevant quantitative and relative indicators for evaluating the digital transformation of socio-economic and ecological systems through comparison methods. Dynamic indicators have been designed and used to analyze how the digital transformation of socio-economic and ecological systems changes over time. They base on the mean of the growth rate of each indicator from the proposed set. The paper evaluated the dynamics of the digital transformation of socio-economic and ecological systems for Ukraine for 2018-2021. The results mainly indicate an improvement in developing the digital transformation of socio-economic and ecological systems. However, the dynamic indicator which characterizes the quantitative aspect of the digital transformation of socio-economic systems slightly decreased, indicating its issues. It is suggested to maintain the current pace of Ukraine's digital change while eliminating found issues.


Digital transformation, socio-economic system, ecological system, indicators, sustainable development, Ukraine

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