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Household Electricity Saving and CO2 Emission Reduction Possibilities by Replacing Incandescent Lamps and Tube Lights: A Case Analysis

S. Ganesan, D. Bose, G. Ashok Kumar


Electricity plays an important role in the modern mechanized world. Now-a-days the position of the people is like “No Life without Electricity”. Further, people are using various types of home appliances to simplify their work. It is due to the famous economics laws “supply creates its own demand” and “demand creates its own supply” by the famous economists J. B. Say and J. M. Keynes respectively. Due to increase in population and the above said reasons there is a heavy demand for electricity in the domestic sector. Use of more number of electrical equipments and more hours of use definitely increase the consumption of electricity in the domestic sector.

Consumption of electricity in a productive way i.e., production of goods and services in the sectors like agriculture and industry will not make a problem to the economy and that could not be avoided. But the consumption made by the domestic sector is mostly unproductive. The unproductive consumption should be avoided and conserve energy (electricity).

Electricity conservation means not to reduce the consumption of electricity but to use electricity in an efficient way. To some extent it is unavoidable to use the electrical equipments. But it is possible to conserve electricity by using energy efficient equipments. For example, in the place of incandescent lamps, one can use CFL to reduce electricity consumption. In the same way, we can replace energy intensive equipments into energy efficient equipments to save electrical energy in the domestic sector. This paper analyses the energy consumption made by the domestic sector, electrical equipments used and electricity consumption by using different electrical equipments and energy saving possibilities by transferring incandescent lamps and tube lights with CFLs. By changing the use of incandescent lambs and tube lights with CFLs, there is a possibility of conserving 50 per cent of the electricity consumed for lighting purposes. Further, we can reduce considerable amount of indirect CO2 emission by conserving electricity.


Electricity conservation, CFL Usage, Coal Consumption, CO2 Emission, CO2 Reduction

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