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Persistence of a Swamp Rabbit Metapopulation: The Incidence Function Model Approach

Jennifer Pajda-De La O, Pradeep Singh, John Scheibe


We evaluate the status and distribution of swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) in Missouri using the Incidence Function Model and logistic regression in an effort to assess the long term viability of the Missouri metapopulation. We used results of latrine surveys performed in 1992 and 2001 to estimate the likelihood of persistence of swamp rabbits over periods of 9 to 1000 years. Under current conditions, more than 50% of the patches are predicted to contain rabbits after 1000 years. Logistic regression revealed that both patch area and patch isolation were significantly related to patch occupancy, and play key roles in the incidence of swamp rabbits.


Sylvilagus aquaticus, metapopulation, incidence function model, Missouri.

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