Integrating Geospatial Technology with Models and Warning Systems for Landslide Mitigation: An Analysis
Landslides greatly influence the unfolding of landforms and manifest their severity in many parts of the world. Prominently, the mountainous terrain suffers the most, posing a menace to life and property due to inflation of society in such regions. To impede these landslides, it is required to identify, predict and warn about a landslide hazard before time. This can be done in an effective way by using geospatial technologies like remote sensing and geographic information system along with models like statistical, deterministic, etc.,) and Early Warning Systems (EWS). Generation of accurate Landslide Susceptibility Maps (LSM) is a pre-requisite for development of an efficient EWS to successfully mitigate the landslides. In this paper, various available landslide models have been discussed along with their benefits and utility in the generation of LSM; advantages of EWSs have been summarized; and a conceptual flow diagram has also been proposed to develop a landslide warning system using geospatial technologies and models.
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