Design of A Versatile Cubic Antenna for Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Network is a challenge in the field of networks. The Wireless Sensor network (WSN) consisting of spatially autonomous distributed devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions at different locations. Each node in WSN consists of three basic functions namely Sensing, Processing and Communication Capability. The sensing process senses the data, collects it and in the processing stage, the data that is collected is processed and the processed data is then communicated to the rest of the nodes in the network. The major constraint of WSN is the energy consumption. Radio communication unit consumes much higher energy than the other units in the wireless sensor networks. Hence design of antenna that improves the energy efficiency is necessary. In this paper the design of cubic antenna is dealt with and the performance of the cubic antenna is analyzed. A truly Omni-directional pattern is produced by cubic antenna in both E-plane and H-plane which further allows for independent communication between the sensor nodes. The frequency of operation lies in the UHF RFID band (902 MHz–928 MHz) centered at resonant frequency 915MHz .The ultra-compact cubic antenna has dimensions of 27cm3. Smart packaging is allowed considering the shape of the antenna and the housing for sensors is supported by cubic structure. The fabrication is performed on six (planar) sides on liquid crystal polymer substrate, and then folded into the cubic structure. This concept is easily reconfigured for many values of impedances and design parameters.
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