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Formulating Intelligent Solution for handling Humanitarian Crises using Information Re-Engineering Techniques

O. T. Jinadu, B. Badeji-Ajisafe


For several decades, technology engagements in various sectors has been on the increase using information engineering (IE) approach to generate, distribute and process information resources while developing information system solutions. Computer-based infrastructures collect, process and manage information using various technologies to grow the economy. Information re-engineering (IRE) use machine learning skills, adequately implementing process-oriented and intelligence-based techniques to combat various challenges including humanitarian crises. Generally, sustainable development goals (SDG) objectives centered on poverty reduction, production improvement, safety and good health to achieve progressive socio-economic status but imminent challenges of various hazards, disasters and life-threatening conflicts, had increased peoples’ vulnerability to humanitarian crises. Adopting Trajectory Range Query (TRQ) and k Nearest Neighbour (TkNN) algorithmic information processing in Spatial Hadoop, inferential analysis re-engineering technique is fuzzified with observations to offer model control in this paper. Fused with intelligence-based applications, formulated solution aid quick decisions for combating crises. The implementations provides safe environment for economic growth while formulated IT technologies, which serves as pointers to national development, require IT capacity-building (and skill development) for smarter delivery. TVET strategy, if objectively employed for skill development, effects rapid talent-growth and significantly-built capacity, which are scores for national development. This research asserts that the wisdom-driven inferencing and machine-learning computational techniques provides intelligent solutions for mitigating humanitarian crises. Therefore, as aggressive skill development for IT-capacity guarantees economic growth, communication control centers (CCC) could be instituted nationwide for strategic deployment of formulated solutions, to impact more stable society, meet for economic growth and development.


control centre, inferencing, machine learning, skill, kNN, TVET.

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