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Image Concentration Profile Generation for Solids Flow in Conveyor Pipeline

M. F. Rahmat, M. D. Isa, U. U. Sheikh, T.A Raja Hussin, N. S. Kamaruddin, M. Elmajri


Accuracy and stability of the image being reconstructed are very crucial in an electrical charge tomography system (EChT). To obtain the quality and quantitative information from the cross-sectional images of the solid flow materials in conveyor pipeline, a suitable reconstruction method is needed for EChT. The problem with the methods introduced before such as linear back projection (LBP), filtered back projection (FBP) and least square (LS) methods is that they are ill-posed due to the ill-conditioning of sensitivity matrix produced in the forward modeling. Thus, the images introduced by these methods are not accurate. This paper will introduce CCD Camera as an alternative method to generate image concentration profile of material distribution in gravity-dropped conveyor pipeline using digital image technique. This technique is easy to set up and is not influenced by environmental disturbances such as humidity, charge static, noise and others. This alternative method has been tested in electrical charge tomography measurement system. The results show that the image concentration profiles obtained from this technique is better than the image reconstructed by LBP and FBP methods.


Tomography, CCD camera, image concentration profile, digital image processing

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