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Three-Dimensional Seismic Attenuation Structure of Mt. Guntur, West Java, Indonesia
A. Priyono, G. Suantika, S. Widiyantoro, A. D. Nugraha
The three-dimensional P- and S-wave attenuation structures beneath Mt. Guntur, West Java, Indonesia, have been obtained by applying tomographic inversions. For this work 4800 recorded seismograms at 23 seismographic stations that were collected from 1995 until 2007 have been used. The results depict the image of the high attenuation region beneath the Mt. Guntur complex. The high P- and S-wave attenuation anomalies are located at nearly the same area that is directly beneath Mt. Guntur, and extend towards to the Kamojang caldera in the western part of the Mt. Guntur complex. The high seismic attenuation anomaly zone is consistent with the one of the low velocity anomaly of P- and S-waves resulting from our previous work on tomographic inversions using travel time data. Our current results show that the P-wave attenuation is stronger than the S- wave attenuation, which implies that the energy reduction on the bulk modulus component is greater than that on the shear modulus component. This may be interpreted as a zone that consists of hot volcanic material and possibly contains fluid-unsaturated rocks.
Mt. Guntur, P-wave and S-wave attenuation structures, tomography.
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