A Case Study of Modeling, Simulation, and Load Flow Assessment in the Power Distribution Network of Tehran Metro Using ETAP
In this research article, a detailed study of load flow assessment in the actual power distribution network of Tehran metro at the presence of non-linear loads is presented. In addition, a case study of the modeling, simulation and analysis of this power distribution network is implemented with the electrical transient analyzer program (ETAP) software. In this assessment, numerical and practical methods including Newton-Raphson (NR), Fast Decoupled (FD), and Accelerated Gauss-Seidel (AGS) are provided and compared. The results including total generation, loading, demand, system losses, and critical report of power flow are obtained and analyzed. This article focuses on the detailed assessment and monitoring by using the most modern ETAP software, which performs numerical calculations of large integrated power system with fabulous speed besides, generating output reports. The capability and effectiveness of power flow analysis are demonstrated according to the simulation results obtained with ETAP by applying it to the power distribution system of Tehran metro. In developing countries like Iran, off-line modeling and simulation of power grids by powerful software are beneficial and helpful for the best usage of electrical energy.
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