Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) Protocol: A Retrospective Analysis
Main challenge in WSN (Wireless sensor network) faced by researcher is – battery life (energy of a node). In this paper general framework of distributed mechanism of multi-hop WN (wireless network) is considered. Cluster based routing protocols like Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) , Hybrid Energy Efficiency Protocol (HEEP) , Threshold sensitive energy efficient network Protocol (TEEN) and PEGASIS efficiently manages the energy usage. But still these protocols should be thoroughly studied and revised to achieve more energy efficiency. Paper focuses on LEACH protocol, where cluster Head (CH) selection process termed as ‘round’ (r). Each round costs setup and steady state phase of the network. Based on study of LEACH and its variants, researcher proposes vantage point focusing on energy model (EM). EM is applied to CH and non-CH nodes for balancing energy in network.
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