A Novel Approach for Secure Data Retrieval Using ECC in Decentralized DTN
In some confidential scenarios such as military networks, the connection of the wireless devices may be disconnected due to various reasons such as jamming and other environmental factors. Moreover, the confidential information may not be passed to others in the necessary time which makes the soldiers cannot communicate with each other and makes a tedious job to retrieve the confidential data from the nodes. The major challenging concern here is the authorization and the policy update for every data retrieval. Hence Disruption tolerant networks (DTN) which supports elliptic curve encryption technique were used to overcome these problems .When there is no end-to-end connection between two ends, the DTN’s plays an important role such that the message from the source node waits in the intermediate nodes and when the connection is established, it is delivered to the destination node properly. This paper examines about how the confidential information is efficiently managed and retrieved in decentralized DTN’s.
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