The Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Environmental Protection
The advancement of technology in human life has resulted in multiple forms of contamination in the atmosphere, which has thrown off the environment's balance and proportionality. Today, one of the most critical issues in environmental economics is the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in reducing air pollution, which has impacted various aspects of human life in recent years. Environmental research and its application to lawmakers and the general public can benefit from the use of information and communication technology. The use of ICT can reduce dependence on environmental resources in order to decrease the environmental pollution due to the Improper usage of natural resources. Applications of the ICT systems in the environmental protection is presented in the study to improve the quality level of monitoring and protections systems of the environment from the pollutions. The effects of ICT systems in the climate change, forest Degradation, hurricanes and typhoons anticipations, smart waste management systems, energy supply efficiency and tourism industry in terms of environmental protection systems is discussed in the study to suggest new ideas in the research filed. As a result, the research filed can be moved forward.
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