Video Shot Boundary detection using logarithmic intensity histogram for Video Retrieval
This paper presents automated shot boundary detection for video retrieval applications that exploits the logarithmic histogram of intensity to extract color features from video frames. The proposed algorithm has the main purpose of identifying appropriate boundaries between shots of a video. In the first step, logarithmic histogram of the video frame is obtained with mapping of intensity level to an appropriate level. This quantization process maps the image features into logarithmic histogram. To find shot boundaries between video frames, Video frames are compared sequentially using logarithmic histogram and absolute difference. Higher the difference value point outs extreme change between content of two frames. In lieu of statistical threshold frame rate is used for identifying shot boundaries. If detected Video shot having frames less than frame rate is ignore as a shot boundary and clubbed with previously detected shot. Videos from various categories like sports, news and cartoon are used o evaluate the performance of proposed technique. It shows significant detection of boundaries having sharp transition. Due to auto threshold it performs very well even in case of gradual shot boundaries. Method has also been evaluated on standard database TRECVID 2007.
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