Algorithm Design of Object in Image of Region Extraction for High Power LED Illumination
Background/Objectives : There is a relatively higher sex crime rate at night or daybreak. The necessity of real time monitoring through a control system is emerging as a major issue lately in order to protect crime due to a high ratio of second conviction for sexual assault
A demand of a system which is possible not only to protect but also to detect a crime is on the rise as the system will be connected a security system later after building up a data base regarding to collect the specific people like criminals for their image analysis data.
Methods/Statistical analysis: The prototype will be implemented to develop high power LED lighting system in this study. An application of test bed for development product and its performance test is evaluated according to a library optimization for the image process and recognition, a design of algorithm for an adaptive background extraction and a design of motion vector extraction algorithm in the image used by a searching technique.
Findings: The library optimization based on the open source is conducted in order for the library optimization for the image process and recognition. Also it is implemented in this study that the detection of motion and changed area using a difference-image technique, design of motion vector extraction algorithm in the image using mean-shift algorithm as a search technique, motion detection algorithm using the difference-image technique, and outline detection technique. An image process test board adopted the processor S3C6410 is designed and manufactured in this study.
Improvements/Applications: An additional development technology is to be implemented as in the following; the design of noise-elimination filtering algorithm as a preprocessing algorithm, the design of extraction algorithm through binarization as a algorithm of object region extraction in the image, the design of object classification algorithm using a various algorithm in the motion area, the design of coordinate transmission protocol for an objector region, and an implementation of priority decision algorithm as a primary region extraction algorithm which is included face-like region.
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