Carbon Stocks Estimation in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia Tropical Forest using PolInSAR Technique
Carbon stocks in forest becomes key parameter to study climate change and its impact to human being and environment. Today, the advancement technology in remote sensing leads to obtain carbon stocks information with minimum uncertainty. Radar remote sensing technology is used to overcome problem regarding cloud cover or meteorological condition which cannot be avoided using optical remote sensor. Polarimetric Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolInSAR) is one of the most recent technique to estimate carbon stocks. This paper was aimed to estimate tropical forest carbon stocks in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia using PolInSAR technique. Two coherence Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of ALOS PALSAR full-polarimetric were proceed to produce coherence interferogram. The pair images have 46 days temporal baseline. The research method is modeling of Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) from interferometric phase coherence of two ALOS PALSAR full-polarimetric. To minimize temporal decorrelation due to temporal baseline, coherence optimization was conducted to produce the optimum coherence of interferogram. The final process is forest height inversion to produce the forest height map. The forest height obtained from height model has a good correlation with ground measurement. Using allometric model, the carbon stocks volume in the study area lies between 110 to 200 t h-1.
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