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Paging based Network MObility Management Scheme in Transportation Environment
Rohyoung Myung, Heonchang Yu, Daewon Lee
By improved internet technique, mobile users are rapidly increased and new types of mobile environment are come out. There are many mobility management protocols are proposed to provide seamless mobile network environment. In this paper, we focused on transportation environment. Transportation kind of bus, train, airplane or ship takes passengers using mobile devices. In transportation environment, MIPv6 has problem that it cannot support seamless network connection to mobile network. MIPv6 supporting Network Mobility solves this problem but still there are some problems. That is even though not all devices are communicating, they should register owing to passing through multiple cells. PMIPv6_NEMO reduces unnecessary registration in NEMO environment. However there are still several problems at specially triangle routing and location management as mobile router crossing cells rapidly. To overcome these problems, we proposed paging based mobility management scheme with prediction algorithm. We modify binding update procedure to remove triangle routing problem. And, to reduce location management cost, we used prediction algorithm to find approximate location of MH/MR. Finally, by numerical analysis, we shows proposed scheme reduces signalling overheads and paging request messages than basic NEMO and PMIPv6_NEMO.
NEMO, paging, router advertisement, binding update, signalling overhead.
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