Position Inverse Kinematics and Robust Internal-loop Compensator-based Control of a New Quadrotor Manipulation System
is carried out to estimate the rotors parameters. These parameters are used in the simulation and controller design of the proposed system in order to make more realistic setup. System dynamics are derived briefly based on Newton Euler Method. The controller of the proposed system is designed based on Robust Internal-loop Compensator (RIC) and compared to Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control (FMRLC) technique which was previously designed and tested for the proposed system. These controllers are tested for provide system stability and trajectory tracking under the effect of picking as well as placing a payload and under the effect of changing the operating region. Simulation framework is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment with the real parameters. The simulation results indicate the feasibility and the efficiency the proposed inverse kinematic analysis
and the proposed RIC-based control technique.
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