Economic Structure and Marketing Function in India’s Madhya Pradesh: A Case Study
Krishi upaj mandi has played a very important role in the marketing of agricultural commodities products. Which have also improved the economic structure of the farmers. The agricultural products are directly and indirectly related to marketing functions. The processes of economic activities are completed with the completion of the marketing process. The mandi is well sound developed the organization structure and the marketing committee is well regulating the market of the working of the mandi. In the mandi also administrative staffs are well sound and staff provide the service to the farmers and licensures for the functionaries, they are fully satisfied to farmers because they provide duty well and functionaries. When we talk the number of farmers trend, the trend of farmers arrival are increasing means the number of farmers is rising with time and farmer are taking interest to sale their produce in mandi yard, there are also increasing trend found of marketing functionaries except for hammal and weigh men. In mandi storekeeper and hammal do not want work whole year.
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