Formation of Ecological-Economic and Marketing Food Potential of Ukraine as a Component of Sustainable Development of Regions
In Ukraine, the problem of providing food to the population is particularly acute today. Because of the decline in the food supply potential of the agro industrial complex, there was a fall in production and a decrease in the quality of agricultural products. This situation has led to the fact that imported agricultural products are gradually displacing domestic products from the market, which leads to higher prices and a shortage of high quality products.
One of the main reasons that impedes the proper functioning of the market is the problem of managing food flows in the sales area. In this situation, there is a certain threat to food security in the regional market, so to meet the needs of the population in food products it is necessary to form a methodology for studying the regional food market based on the principles of logistical management of food flows. At the same time, the external environment of agricultural producers is becoming more dynamic, uncertain and complex, requiring a high level of adaptation and stability of the formed flow control systems. That is why the current practice of flow management in agricultural enterprises characterized by an intensive transition from coordination of individual logistics functions or operations to integrated management of logistics business processes, as well as ensures the development of production and logistics management in the direction of concentration and increase the value chain of agribusiness products.
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