On the Behavior of Child Mortality through different Survival Models in India
This paper discussed the implication of parametric and semi-parametric survival models to measure the unobserved heterogeneity (frailty) caused by omitted or unmeasured factors using 21906 childbirth in India. This study particularly compare the child survival risk due to observed factor extent to standard survival model and unobserved factors that extent to frailty models and log rank test is utilized for the comparison of survival trends of children in India. Data is taken from 2005-06 National Family Health Survey (NFHS III), a largest survey report of India. Findings of standard survival models present that almost all the
factors included in the study are explaining the child mortality but the parameters estimated in these models are either overestimated or underestimated that resulted biased estimates a major issue in the analysis. Frailty effects are highly significant in both parametric and nonparametric survival models and are having similar conclusion.
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