Residents` Perceptions on Socioeconomic Impacts of a Wetland Project; The Case of Lake Karla
The present study surveys the concepts and attitudes of the residents of the surrounding areas of Karla lake on the impacts of drainage and its re - foundation. Implicitly, the socio – economic and environmental impacts of the environmental project implementation of Karla lake are derived as reflected to the residents’ views. Furthermore, the residents’ satisfaction regarding the lake’s drainage was evaluated based on the significance of the reasons for which the reservoir was not constructed in 1962 resulting in the total drainage, as well as the environmental and social impacts of the total drainage of the Karla lake. As a last step in the present study we estimated two logit models in which the perception of the reconstruction of the lake for the local people was the dependent variable, as a function their socio – economic features. The findings of the study validate that the socio – economic impacts of the lake management determine the attitude of the local people towards the project of Karla lake.
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