Contingent Valuation Study regarding Placing Campus Patrol for Reducing Smoking at a University: Applying Inferred Valuation Approach
Negative effects that smoking generates toward human health has been reported and, in many countries, smoking has become allowed in only limited areas. Especially, institutes that raise youth such as universities have responsibility to prevent students from being exposed to second-hand smoke. We conducted a questionnaire survey to students (n=375) at the College of Policy Science at Ritsumeikan University to understand the economic value of the environmental change realized by the proposed student-led campus patrol by using the contingent valuation method (CVM). Students were asked, in the questionnaire, if they would donate to the campus patrol. We applied the concept of inferred valuation, an approach that has recently been introduced in environmental economics, and asked students, not only their own willingness to pay (WTP), but also how much their friends would donate. Our results revealed that while students’ median WTP was 1,320 yen and mean WTP was 2,679 yen, their inferred value was much smaller; median WTP was 649 yen and mean WTP was 1,344 yen. Regression analysis revealed that students who disagreed to the statement; “an individual has the right to smoke if it does not disturb others” more likely had higher WTP as well as inferred value.
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