Economic Contributions of the Artisanal Capture Fisheries in Cagayan De ORO River, Philippines
Freshwater fishing is an important socioeconomic aspect of the communities in the Cagayan de Oro River (CDOR). The fishery sector in CDOR has the elements that are generally characteristic of artisanal or small-scale fisheries. Before this study, very little was known of the scope and magnitude of artisanal level fishing activities within the CDOR. It has remained undocumented by Local Government Units (LGUs) as it does not contribute directly to the economy in terms of measurable cash flow. However, a number of fishes in the river have higher commercial value compared to marine fisheries in the nearby Macajalar Bay. This study is an attempt to examine the conditions of the CDOR fisheries and to quantify its economic contributions. The economic contribution is measured in terms of the market value of captured aquatic resources. In order to establish the behavior and trends in the fisheries of the different communities, the study area was divided into three sub-zones. Data in this study were collected through interviews of identified fishermen in the different sub-zones. Majority of the fishermen venture into other menial jobs due to proximity to the urban center. Many of them have subsidiary occupations which serve the dual purpose of alternative income and job opportunities and food source because fishing is seasonal. The peak fishing season usually spans two to four months. Comparatively, the earnings derived by the Cagayan de Oro River fishermen are relatively in almost the same range as the marine fishermen in the different parts of the country.
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