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Impact of Urbanization on Land Use/Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study
Prashant K. Srivastava, Saumitra Mukherjee, Manika Gupta
The monitoring of urbanization is very important for the planner, management, governmental and non-governmental organizations and the scientific community, for implementing policies to optimize the use of natural resources and accommodate development whilst minimizing the impact on the environment. The study here aims at analyzing the changes that occurred in Land use/Land cover (LULC) over a time span of 1991 to 2007 using multi-date data of part of Punjab area, India and its relation to urbanization behavior. The digital data consisted of two sets of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data and one set of IRS-1C data. Utilizing hybrid classification technique for interpretation and on-field validation, it has been found that there is increase in urban area by 10564.31 hectare in span of 16 years followed by other attributes. The other indicator parameter for urbanization that is Land consumption ratio (LCR) and Land absorption coefficient (LAC) show a significant change in their value at both spatial and temporal scale, LCR value changes from 0.048 to 0.109, whereas LAC varies from 0.414 to 0.266 in between 1991 to 2007.
LULC, Urbanization, LAC, LCR
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