Investigating the Effect of Combustion of Blending Jordanian Diesel Oil with Kerosene on Reducing the Environmental Impacts by Diesel Engine
It is found that the addition of kerosene has a significant effect on reducing both SOx and NOx emissions. The SOx concentration has fallen from 470 to 30 ppm, when the kerosene was changed from 0 to 50%. The same behavior was also observed from the NOx, the concentration in the exhaust gas reduced from 1220 ppm at 0% kerosene to 905 ppm, at 50% kerosene (in volume). This reduction has a great advantage on reducing the emissions from both NOx and SOx, which are the main airborne pollutions that have a direct impact on both human health and water quality. It is known that one of the main contributors to acid rain is the SOx emission which has significant impacts on water resources of both surface and underground forms.
Fuel consumption decreased when kerosene was increased. This has an economical advantage in reducing the fuel consumption cost. The efficiency for diesel engine has been improved after kerosene blending, such that it reached 73% when 50% kerosene was added.
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