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Spatial Distribution Analysis of Dengue Incidence in Makassar, Indonesia
Makassar is one of the major cities in South Sulawesi where the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still quite high. Since dengue cases vary from one place to another, the spatial and time component must also be taken into consideration. In this study, a spatial analysis was applied in order to map the spatial distribution of dengue cases in Makassar. Moran’s I statistics were used to assess the global autocorrelation of dengue incidence using queen contiguity with row-standardized weight matrix method. The results indicated that the distribution of dengue cases in Makassar for all five years was spatially random. The Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA) was designed to detect spatial autocorrelation at a local scale. The results showed that Biringkanaya tended to be the central location of the transmission of dengue fever. Manggala, Makassar, and Tamalanrea were areas potentially prone to be infected by dengue fever.
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