Author Instructions
Instructions for Authors
Important: “Plagiarism Report” is mandatory to attach with submission of paper. Without this editor will not start the Review Process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No processing (APC)/page charge/Fees: There are no page charges to individuals or institutions for contributions. Issue or Reprints or Author's complimentary copy (PDF or Print) : For sustainability of journal, we will email the PDF version of complimentary reprints only to the corresponding author. Furthermore, you are welcome to support the journal by requesting that your library to subscribe the journal, or by taking out an individual subscription. The reprint of paper (PDF file or any form of reprint) will be for personal academic use only and should not be copied, uploaded on any website (for Example, Linkedin, arXiv, ResearchGate and and disseminated in any form. Print copy or Online Access: Print copy or Online Access of the journal will be given to subscribers only. However, a copy of single issue of journal is available on a special discount to the authors only. Duration of Review Process: Normally the submitted paper will be reviewed within 9-14 weeks. Some time reviewer comments /recommendations reached to us early and some time it may takes long. ----------------------------------------------- Author Guidelines: Check your university policy and requirement of indexing and Journal Homepage of website, before submitting the manuscript to the journal. The authors should submit an electronic copy of their unpublished and original paper (with covering letter ) to the: Managing Editor, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics Email: eic.ijamas[at]yahoo.comIt will be assume that authors will keep a copy of their paper. We strongly encourage electronic submission of manuscript by e-mail. Format of Manuscripts: Please send your paper as a single document including tables and figures. This means, it should be one Microsoft Word file ... AND NOT a zipped File containing different files for text, tables, figures, etc. The paper should confirm to the following: · Covering letter: A cover letter must accompany the manuscript as apart of an e-mail message. A covering letter should identify the person (with address, telephone numbers and email address) responsible for correspondence concerning manuscripts. ·Paper should contain the title, author(s) name, affiliation(s), mailing address, email ·Abstract describing the context and scope of the paper ·Keywords ·Mathematics Subject Classification ·Main text ·References ·All pages should be without page number, header Text and footer text
The journal first priority of Format is LaTeX.However, author(s) are also welcome to submit their paper in Microsoft Word format. The journal Format available here for Download.
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A covering letter should identify the person (with address, telephone numbers and email address) responsible for correspondence concerning manuscripts.
In accordance with usual practice, papers previously published and are under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted, and authors must agree not to publish accepted papers elsewhere without the prior permission of Journal. If previously published tables, illustrations or more than 50 words of text are to be included, then the copyright holder's written permission must be obtained. Copies of any such permission letters should be enclosed with the paper. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. If revisions are required for acceptance of a manuscript, one copy of the revised manuscript should be submitted, together with the Revised Version on disk and good quality figures and illustrations.
The views and contents of the articles (papers) printed in the issue(s) herein do not reflect the official views of “International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics" and Editors of the journal. The concern author(s) is answerable for the correctness and authenticity of article. Authors should submit the paper directly to journal. No third party or ghost author submission is allowed.
Preparation of the manuscript: Papers must be clearly written in English. All sections of the manuscript should be typed on one side of the paper only. In addition to the full title of the paper, authors should supply a running title, of less than 40 characters, and up to five keywords.
Research papers should be accompanied by an abstract, which will appear in front of the main body of the text. It should be written in complete sentences and should summarize the aims, methods, results and conclusions in less than 250 words. The abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they read the paper and abbreviations, citations and mathematical equations/notations should be avoided.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Within the text, references should be cited by author's name(s) and year of publication (where there are more than two authors please use et al.). Published articles and those in press (state the journal which has accepted them and enclose a copy of the manuscript) may be included. Citations should be typed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order, with authors' surnames and initials inverted. References should include, in the following order: authors' names, year, paper title, journal title, volume number, issue number, inclusive page numbers and (for books only) name and address of publishers. References should therefore be listed as follows:
Natterer, F., 1986, The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Herman, G.T., 1972, Two Direct Methods for Reconstructing Pictures from their Projections: A Comparative Study, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 1, 123-144. Dasgupta. P., 2003, Population, Poverty, and the Natural Environment. in Mäler K.-G. and Vincent, J. (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Amsterdam: North Holland. Levin, S.A., Grenfell, B., Hastings, A., and Perelson. A.S. 1997, Mathematical and Computational Challenges in Population Biology and Ecosystem Science, Science, 275, 334-343.
Tables should be self-explanatory and should include a brief descriptive title. Illustrations should be clearly lettered and of the highest quality. Acknowledgements and Footnotes should be included at the end of the text. Any footnote should be identified by superscripted numbers. |
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We have provided the online access of all issues and papers to the indexing agencies (as given on journal web site). It’s depend on indexing agencies when, how and what manner they can index or not. Hence, we like to inform that on the basis of earlier indexing, we can’t predict the today or future indexing policy of third party (i.e. indexing agencies) as they have right to discontinue any journal at any time without prior information to the journal. So, please neither sends any question nor expects any answer from us on the behalf of third party i.e. indexing agencies.Hence, we will not issue any certificate or letter for indexing issue. Our role is just to provide the online access to them. So we do properly this and one can visit indexing agencies website to get the authentic information. Also: DOI is paid service which provided by a third party. We never mentioned that we go for this for our any journal. However, journal have no objection if author go directly for this paid DOI service.