Design of an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Inspired Immune Systems
The objective of this work was to design and implement an IDPS inspired for immune systems. The IDPS is a very important brick in a security system, several research studies using different methods and approaches are devoted to them. Among them, artificial immune systems, inspired by the natural immune systems, can be very interesting for the field of intrusion detection, given the similarity of features and objectives of the latter. We focused on the two main theories that are the basis of the immune response, namely the theory of clonal selection and the theory of negative selection. The study of these two theories immune in the case of intrusion detection showed that the theory of clonal selection is more appropriate for the scenario analysis, while the theory of negative selection is more appropriate to behavioral analysis. The choice of implementing an IDPS is very important, especially if one considers that the IDPS will be deployed on a network with multiple machines with different hardware and software configurations. The fact that the IDPS is designed hierarchically and be distributed across multiple machines and require the analysis of data from different sources.
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