In between Economic Development and Crisis: A Multidimensional Approach Comparing Long-term and Short-term Demographic Changes in Greece (1961-2015)
With recession, socioeconomic disparities have consolidated in southern Europe, influencing demographic spatial patterns and trends over time. The present study investigates population dynamics before and during the most recent crisis along an urban-to-rural gradient in Greece, considering separately the whole country and the Athens' metropolitan region. Demographic indicators were used to compare long-term transitional processes (1961-2007) and short-term dynamics driven by economic recession (2008-2015). Results of this study indicate that population dynamics in Greece were influenced by a combination of factors reflecting (i) short-term impacts of the economic cycle, (ii) medium-term suburbanization processes and (iii) long-term transitional social forces. Spatial variability in population dynamics along a paradigmatic urban-to-rural gradient reflects the crisis' impact on recent social transformations, with demographic polarizations in urban and rural areas shifting toward an increased divide between wealthier and disadvantaged economic contexts.
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