Evaluation of 2D descriptors for 3D reconstruction of electrical infrastructure
Electric energy transport networks as an important part in the process of supply to the points of consumption must be monitored continuously, a task that demands large periods of time and high costs. With the investigation of automated inspection methods using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is proposed to create a 3D model using the techniques of structure from motion (SFM). Currently there are different algorithms that detect and
describe keypoints as a first step in the reconstruction process. The most popular one is the descriptor SIFT (DoG); however, this is too computationally intensive to be used in three-dimensional reconstruction outdoor image. There are other feature descriptors such as ORB, BRISK, and FREAK that can accelerate the reconstruction process. This paper presents the evaluation of three-dimensional model of electrical infraestructure, using the different mentioned descriptors in combination whit the geometrical theory of structure from motion.
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