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LogNS-RPL: RPL-based secure routing protocol using Log-normal shadowing statistical model

Karen Avila, Daladier Jabba, Javier Gomez, Oscar Arana, Dylan Cantillo, Paul Sanmartin


This proposal details LogNS-RPL, a routing protocol based on RPL which uses the Log-normal function and shadowing as a statistical model to establish a confidence metric between the nodes of a wireless network, to detect possible attacks to the network. The description of the RPL protocol and its main characteristics is established, then the proposed scheme and model are described. Finally, the results obtained using this new routing protocol are shown in the section named Analysis of results. As it can be seen, although LogNS-RPl has a shorter lifetime compared with MRHOF and OF0 (15%), this difference can be negligible taking in to account that MRHOF and OF0 do not have implemented attack detection mechanisms. When LogNS-RPL is compared with another protocol that also implements attack detection routines as SecTrust-RPL, it can be seen the proposed routing protocol has better results, detecting up to more than the double number of attacks
compared with SecTrust-RPL.


internet of things, RPL, MHROF, OF0, Log-normal; routing, security.

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