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3D Dynamic UAV Path Planning for Interception of Moving Target in Cluttered Environment

Hendri Himawan Triharminto, Teguh Bharata Adji, Noor Akhmad Setiawan


Three dimensional dynamic UAV’s path planning for interception of moving target still becomes open research in fully autonomous UAV field. In most situations of approaching the target, UAV has to deal with cluttered environment. The objective of this research is to enhance L+Dumo Algorithm for interception of moving target in cluttered environment. The enhancement is done by developing equations for controlling termination process and for adapting to the velocity of the target. The algorithm which consists of these equations is tested by using a simulation of one UAV and one moving target with random obstacles in between both objects. The UAV and the target are set up with different positions in each scenario to obtain the accurate result. The test results prove that the algorithm can solve dynamic path planning problem and meet flyable path constrain in cluttered environment with 82.75% of accuracy. Time complexity of the algorithm is O(n2) in the worst case.


3D dynamic path planning, cluttered environment, moving target, L+Dumo algorithm

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