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Inflation and Food Production: Strategies to Ensure Sustainable Food Security in India

Benny George


Spiraling prices of foodgrains is a matter of concern as it threatens to wipe out the hard-won gains in reducing poverty and malnutrition the world over. Change in consumption patterns, rising demand for bio-fuels, rising population, etc. put upward pressure on demand side, while stagnating, if not declining, productivity levels, shrinking supply of arable land, declining investment in agriculture and global warming and attendant uncertainties create bottlenecks on the supply side. Bringing about a dramatic rise in productivity, minimising post-harvest losses, stepping up investment in agriculture, checking the diversion of farmland for other purposes, etc. can go a long way in ensuring food security in a sustainable fashion in India.


Food security, inflation, foodgrain production, bio-fuels, productivity of foodgrain production, post-harvest losses, agricultural credit, diversion of farmland

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