Artificial Neural Network Systems
Artificial Neural Networks is a calculation method that builds several processing units based on interconnected connections. The network consists of an arbitrary number of cells or nodes or units or neurons that connect the input set to the output. It is a part of a computer system that mimics how the human brain analyzes and processes data. Self-driving vehicles, character recognition, image compression, stock market prediction, risk analysis systems, drone control, welding quality analysis, computer quality analysis, emergency room testing, oil and gas exploration and a variety of other applications all use artificial neural networks. Predicting consumer behavior, creating and understanding more sophisticated buyer segments, marketing automation, content creation and sales forecasting are some applications of the ANN systems in the marketing. In this paper, a review in recent development and applications of the Artificial Neural Networks is presented in order to move forward the research filed by reviewing and analyzing recent achievements in the published papers. Thus, the developed ANN systems can be presented and new methodologies and applications of the ANN systems can be introduced.
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